Not quite. The entirety of the CWBP is bound by the CC license applied to the original Fractal Terrains map. That Share Alike clause forces Torq's Groam map to also be BY-NC-SA, and since your map is based on his (if only the title and one label), it binds yours as well. This is what I was trying to point out a few months ago: we can't sell prints of our own work unless the project is relicensed with more permissions or we get permission from everyone in the chain above our own map. In the case of the Stormlit Cloister, that means at least NeonKnight and Torq must relicense their work, or you need to change the title and the reference to Small Coping.

Personally, I'm all in favor of constructing a new license to permit artists to profit from their own work, provided that the derivative works are sufficiently original, and to sidestep the problem with the CGTextures license that's been discussed elsewhere. In the meantime, NeonKnight and torq need to authorize your use of their property for commercial gain.

Not that I think anyone here is likely to sue, NK and torq especially, but it would be good if we could make sure that it couldn't happen, not just that it wouldn't.