Hi All,

Registered last year but not very active since then. thought I'd post a WIP/Experiment I've been working on.

Been playing with the idea of a new fantasy world, but wanted to base it on more realistic terrain. I have used Wilbur for the land forms and continental shelves. Then used photoshop to add in the height data using real world mountain ranges (if you look closely you can see the Himalayas on one of the continents!) and am now experimenting with colouring the map using images of Earth from NASA as source material.

Not got onto river systems yet, and I need to do a lot of tidying up. Anyone done anything similar got any advice? Especially with the river systems.

Ultimately I'll then use that to create a more hand-drawn map based on that more 'real' detail full of the inaccuracies of early map making and the bias of the map maker etc. Not sure if I'll use this particular map for the finished item, at this stage this is more an experiment on technique.

Attached are the raw JPG and a simple Robinson projection using G.Projector.

