soo, before really posting somwhere in this forum I wanted to try doing a map in the PhotoShop
this is part of a project of mine called Midétaphos and Nephells is the great continent AND Empire of the West, commanded by the human necromancer, Valiér Votan.

anyways XD

I did the first map on RPG Maker VX a looong time ago

and I decided to adapt it to the photoshop, in a political way, showing the borders of the Duches lands usign this tutorial ("duquesados" in portuguese. If anyone knows how to say it in english, please, tell me xD) or at least, trying too XD

I'll be posting both maps, but, it's not finished yet, okay? I need some more time to think about the names (and choosing the names will involve the history of the contionent, wich wasn't given too much tought yet and the linguistic matters through the history of Nephells. So it might take some time XD)

Please, comment =3

(oh, yeah, one more question. were could I show more information about my conworld?)

Nephells.jpgnephellsrpgmaker copy.png