
Let me begin by thanking anyone whom looks at the map and bothers to read what I have to say,

Background: Leern is the capital city for a specific kingdom known as the Barony. Located on the River Thine, Leern is the hub of trade for the entire kingdom. With roughly 50,000 people within its limits, Leern's landmarks (such as the St. Patrick's Cathedral and King's Castle) have made Leern an extremely desirable locale for peoples of the known world.

Technical Details: Leern was created using both Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. I have a two part process that allows me to create the bulk of the details before taking it into Photoshop for the placement of textures and the like.

Leern took me the better part of two weeks, so perhaps 112 hours of work.

About the Map: The map is made with Autumn colors in mind so you will notice the heavily forested areas as an area of different colors. The ground itself is more darker in color. at various areas. Also, there are five areas of different elevation, which are indulged by having a highlighted slope (light is coming from the upper right of the map).

I used shadows to show height, so you will notice the cathedral, the castle and the inner walls are quite the imposing structures. The bridge is quite large but I decided against placing the shadow down upon the water.

I hope you like it!