Everyone else will have an above ground entry again so I figure why not be different. Truth is as a DM my grounds tend to be underground quite a bit and there just isn't a huge source of maps, especially of any quality or uniqueness. So I design maps that I can use in a game as well as any other DM for that matter.

Under the ground things can go left and forgotten for quite a while, especially since most things hide their abodes. Once a person dies it can go decades before being disturbed. It is also important to point out that one of the most common underground plants would probably be fungi and it is a editable food source as well.

This morning I got the base of the map underway, then went out and took some pictures that I am going to use on the map. Found some pretty decent plant pictures which will make their way on on the map plus found an some interesting brood holes. I think given that the place is abandoned at this point could add nice feature to the small cavern.

### Latest WIP ###
Underdark Series (8x8) Abandoned Mushroom Garden WIP1.jpg