OK, so, after failed try to find some one who will do it for me I've tried to do it by myself. With basic help of eViLe_aAgLe(THANKS!) I've managed to start. Here what I got now.
The map of Free sea.jpg
It is my first handmade map and I'm totally not an artist, so it's not so good as it could be, but still. It took a hell of a time for me to get to this point and now I'm filling the islands one by one, but I already have few problems:
my main limitation is my skill to draw, so lots of world components are created during map drawing("Oh! cool, I can draw blah-blah here! OK, I'll explain it this way...") and some times I just do not know what to draw on the free space (of just can not draw what I want), second problem is I'm still in search of cool border for my map, so if anyone have something that would fit - please show me))

SO! any suggestion, notices, anything?