Greetings to you all!

When I was about to register an account here, I found out that my favorite username was already being used. To my surprise, I found out that I had already signed up few years ago but never posted even once. Hopefully, I will put more work into cartography to rectify that.

Let us start with few facts about myself. I graduated last year with BA degree in English studies from the University of Iceland. I've been working at shops and petrol stations since and during my time there, and inbetween I've been unemployed. I've lived in London for almost a year before I had to move back to Iceland due to unemployment. I aim at further study later this year, but switching from English to general linguistics.

I've enjoyed making maps since I was a wee child, but I have never developed the skill to do it professionally. I've mostly be making maps for my role-playing groups or just for fun. I have considered buying some of the ProFantasy programs, but I don't know if I will. Until I've decided I have turned my gaze towards Photoshop brushes and other such materials. Hopefully, I will find much help on the forums here and develop my hobby even further.

I thought I might share with you my recent creation, and the only map I've done using PS. I used StarRaven's Calligraphic Map Symbols set, which is just awesome

Realms of Sin.jpg