This is the first ever map I've ever really made. It's probably not finished, to be honest. But right now it looks at least presentable. It's for my video game, and hopefully will be used inside the game, other than just a reference for client-based mapping.

This is my first ever map, so I hope I've not incurred any incredibly dumb things, I've heard about river police and what not. Although I must ask you to ignore the red pulls of 'something'(which is actually a sort of magma pool) as that's more to do with the logical fallacies of the game to begin with.

Anyway! Some words or something would be nice.

Also, it'd be great if somebody could maybe suggest some fonts or any other way I could stylize the map further. I'm thinking of making it slightly sepia, or grey scale, or at least desaturatising it, as it's a bit bright.

map small.png