Hi there!

Here's my current project. A digital map of the northern parts of the continent Mythodea.
Concipated to like a bit old and intime (ingame). Someone might already know or guess. I'm doing LARP.
Mythodea is a roleplaying world/background for live action role play by Live-Adventure

A few facts to this map in progress:

22.000x7.873 pixels
Hard coast-, river- and streetlines done in AutoCAD.
Imported to Illustrator modifying the brushes and possible pathbased text.
Last imported to Photoshop and all the paint-,draw-, brush- and effectwork done.
Dozens of dozens of layers =/
I'm using the brushes of StarRaven
And this tutorial of torstan helped me out good!
Hoping to get some tips and tricks for editing this map further here ^^
There are some points in the map with rivers overlapping mountains, text overlapping environment.

Here my work in progress so far:
WIP 2.jpgWIP 3.jpgWIP 4.jpg
WIP 5.jpgWIP 6.jpg