Hi there, hope this is the right area here.

These three maps are from cartography class. Unfortunately i seem to do not have them on my PC anymore, so i scanned them in, hence the annotations of our prof and the sometimes poor quality. There also is a second, corrected map of southern Africa in which Lesotho's pie chart isn't missing. Sorry for that...
They are all done with Corel Photopaint, MS Excel and Corel Draw. Basic map coloured with Photopaint, charts and diagrams made with excel, then put all together in Draw. Lot of unnecessary work, should have done all of them from the beginnig with ArcGIS...
I added english translations (in green) for those who can't read german.
Afrika1.jpg Afrika2.jpg Afrika3.jpg

This one is the final project for the cartography class, this time done properly with GIS. Not half so annoying and time consuming, even though i had to reshape the polygons cause we didn't have the right set of maps on the university-PC.

These three have been the homeworks for GIS classes:
The last one is the final project, was a bit more challenging cause we just had a geological map, a gradient map and a map with the current "use" (streets, lakes, viallges... ?) and had to find all areas meeting certain requirements like a aquiclude underground, minimum size or distance to water bodies.
GIS1.jpg GIS2.jpg GIS3.jpg

The last ones are for a RPG of a friend of mine. I drew them by hand, first two with a fineliner pen, last one with coloured pencils. The last one isn't really finished, i'll get that done in a few weeks, when the semester is finished and work leaves some time.
The first one is a general overview over the islands with the most important coastal cities and trade routes.

The second one is a closer look at the northeastern isle in a "political" way. In the center there are the spheres of influence of the orcish tribes, at the coast, there are the human populated (if populated at all...) areas.

The last one is a take on the western isle in a topographical way. As i said, it's not yet finished, there are still some cities and roads missing, als well as the labels.

Any comments on my mapping attempts so far? I'd like to hear them.