Hi everyone,

I've undertaken a huge world building project for my fantasy novel. As I was looking for fantasy maps to help me with realism I stumbled upon this amazing site! I had no idea there was a whole group of people like yourselves making realistic maps in a wide variety of styles. I must say quite a few of them really impressed me!!! So I love being here and I've been drooling over the maps for over a week!

The quality of my map is low because I'm working in kolourpaint on Ubuntu (no money for a new pc or windows). And I've been messing with the map a lot.
In my own humble opinion the continents are beginning to take a realistic shape, which is very important to me. I'm mostly concerned about which area would have which climate. I really need my map to be realistic when it comes to climate, rainfall, and so on. Who can advise me some?

The discolored sea area is where I'm going to drop smaller islands, as that is a sunken continent. And the novel will take place in the mediterranean kind of area near the center of the map. I have a bunch of history ready to be adapted to the realism of the map, story setting details will need to be adjusted as well.

I would appreciate any help or advice. (I can not receive pm's yet so please answer here)

