Hello o/

Thanks to Tear's award-winning tutorial, I was finally able to get started on a map of a world that had been incubating in my head for ages now. The world is called Asel'a, and it orbits a certain star in a certain part of the universe which is still to be determined.

I drew the landmasses myself on paper, scanned them, cleaned up my notebook lines, and then did the whole noise+blur+threshold technique to get some of the coastlines more fractal-y. Then I just followed the tutorial in its entirety, with a few tweaks here and there (because I already did have some regions and features in mind) to produce this:


I still need all the labels and a cool border, and likely some adjustments with the ocean elevation thing.

I'm open to any comments and critiques! C: I'm new to doing this, so all that would be much appreciated!