Hello there! I just finished my first map. It isn't the first time I've put pen to paper and started drawing, but it's the first time I actually finish the map. Anyway, its a map of an island or continent called Windon. I don't intend to use it for anything, its just practice.


Anyway, I have a few problems with it. The physical copy has black ink for the coasts, mountains, and forests. The names and political borders were drawn in blue ink, to separate them. When I scanned them with a Neatdesk, the colors went away, and now the borders and rivers are hard to tell apart. I also made some typos, such as spelling "Borders" as "Boarders" in the key, and spelling "Isle" as "Ilse" at the botom of the map, in the bay. Otherwise, I like the coasts, and the mountains, but the trees could use some work.

I don't know if I should keep working on this in GIMP, fixing the typos, adding some color and detail, or just move on to the next project.