Hey guys, decided to take part in this challenge too, trying a new style and new theme, a Post Apocalyptic one. I dont know If I´ll make it in time, but I´ll try. The story for this one, is not original at all, I based the secret in one of the quests of Mass Effect 1, but for the challenge and the style of map Im sticking with this story. I used the layout of the main mall in my neighborhood, The Leblon Mall, and it turned into an outpost, after a harsh nuclear winter. Although this place offer little protection, people tend to join the ever growing community of the Leblon Mall Outpost, a place that appears to be safe to any wanderers of this new era. In the middle of the mall stands a beautiful and amazing type of plant, The Green Queen (named after the Starbucks signpost that stands in the middle of its vines that probably got stuck after the plant started to grow). The Green Queen is an amazing species, that every week produces a delicious type of fruit that serves as food for the settlement. The secret behind Leblon Mall Outpost is that the Green Queen is actually a mutant plant created from the mutation of the nuclear bombs, named Mentis Continere ( Mind Control), a dangerours type of plant that controls the living thing around it with its fruits and pollen, forcing them to care and nurture itself, creating a real hive around it. CONTINUES...

Hope you guys like it, and sorry for any english mistakes!

### LATEST WIP ###