Hi All,

this is my nth attempt at creating a map for my fantasy setting, Enderra. Previous attempts - some of which I posted, some of which I didn't - never really satisfied me.

For this map I am trying something a little different. I will still create the basic outline in Inkscape, as I always do, but then I will work on the map itself using a different program. More on that later.

While this New Enderra will naturally be based on the existing Enderra - it would be stupid of me to throw 20 years of worldbuilding completely out the window - I also decided that I will not hesitate to change any and every aspect of the setting if I feel I can make it better.

One such change I've already implemented on the first WIP: I've moved Enderra to the southern hemisphere, with the arctic regions on the south end of the continent. I thought this would be an interesting experience and give me a fresh perspective on the continent.

Finally, I've decided to start with an old supercontinent which is not the shape of things in the present.

Here's WIP#1 - the horizontal streaks are an artifact of Inkscape being crappy and buggy (I wish I could afford Adobe software).
