Hello Guild,

This is my first ever attempt at drawing this sort of map (unless I drew one as a kid and just don't remember). As the title says, it will ultimately be used for a novel I'm publishing. So, I want it to be as good as I can make it. I also want it done as quickly as I can make it good enough to call done... in hopes of having the book available for sale by Christmas. To that end I would welcome any critique from the guild.
The western part of the map is currently blank because I was drawing a blank on how to depict a particular section. However Forum member Chashio gave me a great idea. I'll post what I come up with from that soon. In the mean time, please take a look at this newbie map maker's work in progress and let me know what you think could be better. If I have the skill (and time) I'll make adjustments. Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.

Without further ado, here's the map of Darlandis & Cairemia (Darlandis is the unfinished section. Cairemia is the part virtually done.

WIP Map Day 1.jpg

I look forward to your thoughts.

And Thank you,
