Thank you for the observations Hai, i appreciated it and i want to discuss about:

That distortion and the graticules (the grids) look really wonky, Given the symbol style of the map, I think you should ditch the graticule entirely as it doesn't mesh well with that style. If you really want it, then it really does require some knowledge of projections and how maps represent a globe in order to get it to come out right. The details depend on where on the planet the map is, how big it is, and the purpose of the map.
I will use this map in a game, so i need the grids to help in a fast check of the scales to make easy calculate the distances btw towns and places. I got wut u said, but dunno wut to do
Sinse i am using this grids in the whole map, maybe i can name each grid with numbers to say wut angle the detailed maps are. I made a sheet with standards for every region, some each map will get a inclination next to the real inclination of the globe, like this:

Est_Minas_Hirk_final cópia.jpgDist_Sul_Fag_final cópia.jpg

If u have some examples about grids i will appreciate the ideas.

I liked so much the crumpled paper may i let it with less evidence?

If you are just after a pretty picture and don't care about keeping it in character, you still might want to tone the effects down, particularly the relief and textures. They are a bit distractingly over-prominent. That sort of rough stone texture you use for the border is also a bit repetitive. If you want to stick with that look, it might be worth finding a larger texture to hide the repetition more.

The cartouche is a bit hard to read. The purple text doesn't contrast very well with the grey textured background.
U right about the borders, i just have no idea how to do one, it seems ugly i know and i will try improve it and the legend.

Finally, it would be a good idea to make a more diverse symbol set to try to disguise the repetition of the symbols. I usually go with 7 to 12 variations on a symbol in my symbol sets
If here u are talking about Mountains and trees, i am already working in it. Schwarzkreuz helped me a lots spending time to share his tutorial about the Mountains that i loved. But guess first i will finish the areas before start change, or i will not fell the progress.

Again, i say thank you for the comments about the map.