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Thread: Gundarya Map WIP

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  1. #1
    Guild Applicant
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    May 2008
    Around Boston, MA

    Wip Gundarya Map WIP

    Hi, this is the latest version of a map to campaign setting I use for a fantasy roleplaying game.

    A little background and info,

    Gundarya is an island nation that has recently undergone a major civil war that has laid waste to many regions. This map predates the war.

    The goal of the map is attempted balance between having practical use as a play aid while giving the impression of an authentic parchment map, drawn up by cartographers living in a world that is similar to mid renaissance Europe, though with heavy medieval elements. I've been trying to strike this balance with most of the maps I use for this particular setting, and this one is the closest I have come so far.

    I primarily use CC3, with later modifications using Photoshop.

    There are a couple of things that were pointed out to me earlier by others that I wanted to clarify;

    You will notice there are a whole slew of faded towns with illegible names, this is intentionally done to give the over-all impression of a well populated region without having to name every single town, the main cities and towns and points of interest have darker and (hopefully) legible names.

    There is a river surrounding a forested region in the western tip of the map called Dryon. This is actually two rivers that split at the headwaters in the nearby hills and surround the forest. Though geologically unlikely, but still possible. But in addition to that, Dryon is a fairy realm that intentionally rerouted the rivers in this fortuitous path to provide a natural barrier-border that non-fairies are not allowed to cross.

    Thanks in advance for your critiques.
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