So, made this map in one sitting this after noon. Did it entirely in Photoshop. The challenge was for PART of the map to be submerged, and arguably not very much of this map is submerged beyond the rocks and the shipwreck. The entire bay is all about 30 feet deep though. So, it's technically submerged. I hope it qualifies. So, I cooked up a little back story to go with it.

It's a remote island, not very big, and it hasn't been charted on many maps. If you stumble upon it, the only prominent feature is the sunken ship wreck in the middle of the shallow bay. Head into the woods and you'll find very little wildlife, mostly just birds. The plant life is thriving, however, with all manner of flora growing everywhere. Perhaps if you searched long enough, you might find the hidden "X" that marks the spot

Now here's a bit of the creation process. I've never made such a close up map before. Generally I'm doing whole regions or continents. Fine details still elude me. So this was a bit of a challenge. I couldn't use my tried and tested methods of making a map (though they did play a part in it). First, I drew the whole map in black and white. White would become water, while black would eventually become land. I selected the black, made a new layer out of it, and added the layer effects. Then I did the same to the white area, turning it blue and into water. Then I spent the next 2 hours fiddling and testing and experimenting... and the result is this. It's meant to be photo-realistic, as if you were viewing it from a precise top down point of view (aside from the borders and the title, of course ) I even added a sparse cloud layer. Hope you like it

### LATEST WIP ###
Crescant Island.png