The map is coming along nicely. I think it will be a very good piece when it is done. I'm confident in the project, especially the map part of it. I will have to develop the story and add detail where needed when I am close enough to completing the map to know what is where. Right now I only know where major structures will be. The Upper Left is going to be an arcane university, whose curriculum will be based on my grinoire I wrote for real life use. The whole city will be centered around an the mythilogical, so it's like Hogwarts set into a college town like setting. It's kind of like UC Davis in California. I'm still not sure if I can include this town in someone elses fantasy world, or if it will have to stand alone. The history I thus wrote is good enough for it's own campaign settings if I produce enough detail and make some sort of game machanics.

This is the whole map as it stands now. I'm guessing 30-40% of the map is filled with houses. I'm still working on floorplans to the businesses, factories, schools and so on.
Shikodu - Full Map.jpg
This is the downtown square, which has a park which I plan to design further to have benches and a band stand.
Shikodu - Downtown Square.jpg
Here's a neighborhood park with a public temple. The town will have a lot of structures dedicated to magic and rituals.
Shikodu - Neighborhood Park.jpg