Thank you! Interesting thought

Yup, good call. I'll focus on the actual map before the smoke!

And speaking of the map… I know I said I was going to keep the caterpillar mountains, but when I began painting the second mountain chain and just laid down some darker grey-brown to give a bit of pre-shading before the details, I realized that maybe no details are needed. So I finished the second chain in the most simple way possible, and it looked like I wanted it to from the start without knowing it – or, well, it felt like that anyway. And I just had to have the first chain in the same style, so I ripped a piece of paper from a new sheet and glued this over the fat southern peninsula, and redid it. This is when I see the benefits of painting digitally… But the extremely simple mountain style is really fast, so I finished the whole surgery today. It did give an ugly scar though (this metaphor is completely improvised as I type, promise) and first I thought I had ruined the map completely. FUBAR. But then I saw that the edge of the glued-down piece actually made a rather nice shelf for the coast, so I tried to copy the look of that along the other coast as well. Now, I don't know if shelves could be mapped in the 19th century, but, you know, steampunk!