Feeling a bit unmotivated to continue with my Scandinavia map I decided to resume working on a map of Europe this evening. I'm not sure at all where this is heading, but I figured I might as well share it here.

Any feedback would be much appreciated of course. I was very pleased with how I got the basemap to look like (no country borders) but after I started filling in the map I'm not so sure I'm moving in the right direction anymore.


A few notes:
-"Great Britain"-label looks a bit too big in this picture.
-Great Britain wasn't actually a country at this point (Scotland and England was just in a union) but the king did style himself as "King of Great Britain"
-Borders are mostly historically accurate (a few mistakes in the HRE and Italy, I'm sure.) I used Centennia to draw the borders.
-Watch out for bad spelling.