I need help from Pros of graphics software I don't use. I'm writing a Map Tutorials Guide applicable to all (many) graphics applications, however, I don't use all those other graphics apps.

So I'm looking for suggestions on how would you do these effects in your preferred application of choice with a brief explanation of specific tools or steps to take in accomplishing the task. Create a shape, cut one shape from another, use layers, linear/circular transparency effects, fractal transparency allowing you to see parts of a shape beneath another shape.

Although, the tutorial guide won't address use of bump maps as in GIMP, would a GIMP pro be willing to offer a short tutorial on using bump maps in GIMP? Would a Photoshop Pro be willing to do the same regarding Photoshop's version of similar effects?

I wouldn't mind seeing offerings in Photoshop, GIMP, Paintshop Pro, CorelDraw, Illustrator, Inkscape, or any other similar software I haven't thought of?

Below is a graphic also addressing some specific results - describe how you'd make the effect happen in your application of choice. One of my questions is how limited are your bevel capabilities. In Xara for instance I can create a bevel that uses the entire shape, not just the edge of it - what are the bevel limits your given software of choice.

Also, while I seeking free offers, here, I am willing to pay someone to write detailed tool choice, explanations and techniques in Photoshop, GIMP, Inkscape, or other, and give credit in the guide upon publication.
