Hey guys! Haven't been active for a loooong time, but suddenly got back to cartography last week.

So I started with this little map of a small mountain village. I just drew some lines and didn't thought of much.

After finishing it, i was wondering, how the valley looked like, and modeled it in blender (I would love to write really quick, but it was a lot of work). Here some renders:
Blick zum Dorf.png Dorf vom Wald.png dorfaussicht.png

Anyway, after seeing that my isolines made some sense, i decided to expand the map. Thats what it looks like at the moment.

The Idea behind Hala is that the village is scattered across the map, with smaller clusters like the one on the finished map. All these clusters together make the 'official' Hala. Infos about the people living there will come later, i'm not sure yet...

If sometimes i have really much free time (which i probably wont have), i might turn the whole map into a 3D model, but at the moment i concentrate on finishing that map.

Anyway, what do you think of it?