Awesome stuff guys - sorry I haven't been able to get in on any of these lately but I'm looking forward to joining you all again soon.

Max - that is fantastic and very complete. It's my favorite of the lot.
Diamond - great map and one of my favorite trilogies too. I like the simplicity and the cleanliness.
Sapiento - For me this was close behind Max's and you both had a similar feel which I enjoyed very much. Just the extra touches Max had with the bordering and information put his on top for me. On the bright side a vote is a vote
Beoner - I liked this one very much as well but I figured I should only cast 3 votes. Still, I like the style you have going on here. The muted scheme you used harkens to the middle earth styles we often see so kudos for that. Maybe it's my monitor or my poor eyesight but a couple of the others just had a bit more eye-pop that drew me to them (not sure how to explain that - it just looked kind of even across the board). Still a fabulous job and a worthy contender.
SK(because it's too much to type) - I know you got ill so that explains the uncompleted entry. As usual with your stuff what you have done is great.
Leen - a good entry as well. I am wondering what that style might look like on a massive scale as in if you did a huge city or world map like that. It could be incredible but would require a ton of detail. On a small scale it's 'looseness' (which a lot of people like I have to admit) leaves me uncertain how much I like it. I makes me wish I could see the rest of the map (so that's a good thing) which brings me back to my 'massive scale' comment.

As usual, these are just the thoughts I have as I look the entries over and what helped me to decide who I voted for. When I can, I try to post my why's and wherefores as perhaps they may help someone garner more votes in future. I appreciate all the artwork shared as I know how tough it can be for some of us to put ourselves out there for judgement so it is never my intention to hammer anyone's effort.

Keep on mapping!