Hi to everybody,
here's my first map based on my new borning universe Shanna.
This map has be made based on RobA tutorial "Using GIMP to Create an Artistic Regional RPG Map".
I suggest everyone who's begininng in this art, to read this tutorial and do it 2 or 3 times to well master the lot of techniques presented.

My first map is far to be perfect and complete.

But I have to begin somewhere and mainly to submit my work to expert eyes to collect suggestion, critics and other.
This map is only a portion of a greater world, generater with the excellent Wolrd Generator "TerraGen". I used an old version, 0.9.1, but the last one seems to do miracles...

Thread is open for hunting, don't fire too hard on the pianist, plz
Monde de Shanna - carte globale_lowres.png