Hello guys,

A friend and I are currently working on a strategy browser game that plays in another timeline on the planet Venus, which is still habitable.

There are a few maps that we need for the game, one of them is an overview map of one side of the planet. The map should have 3-4 continents, with one of them bigger than the others. There should be less land than on earth and the polar capes only have artistic value. Also, the continents should not be as close to one another as on earth, and there should be very few islands. An important feature that should be included are circles of latitude and circles of longitude, so that coordinates can be assign.


The second map is a close-up of one of the biggest continent. This map should be just a zoom-in of the Venus-map, with more details (but not too complicated, since the next zoom-in has to be fairly simple, to allow the use of squares for the territories assigned to players). A kind of grid would also be useful on this map. The grid should also align with the latitude and longitude circles, but should be denser. An idea for the style of the map is the one in the next picture, but without any names, or political boundaries.


The third map should come up when clicking on one of the squares in the continent map. A grid on this map will be crucial, since it will be used to delimit the territories assigned to the players. The grid should be integrated in the grid system on the continent map, so that when clicking on a square on the continent map, a 5x5 depiction of the third map should open. This map should be fairly simple (and made using repetitive features if necessary), but should allow the players to scroll around the continent, so it will have to be pretty big, although at no point should more than 25 squares (5x5) be visible.

(The third map is hard for me to imagine, so please be creative)

The style for the 3 maps should be consistent and as close to a real map as possible. I guess for the planet map this should not be a problem, but the same can’t be said for the third map, thus, a middle way has to be found. Mountains (and other geographical elements) should be featured, but in small areas, so they don’t have a big impact on the gameplay. There is no need for political boundaries.

Quality and size
Planet map: 1280 × 686
Continent map: 1280 × 686
Close-up map: ?

Time constrains
It would be nice to have the maps ready by January (not a hard deadline) since that is the time we would like to make our game public.

I would like reproduction rights for the maps. (If this dose not suffice for the stated situation, please let me know)

I do not know what would be a fair price for this kind of assignment, so please let me know, although you should keep in mind that we are both still studying and do not have a fix income yet.

Contact details:
Please contact me at giupana.sebastian@yahoo.com