Welcome everyone to this little showcase of Sindeon's map!
First, a little description about us: Sindeon is a magical kingdom in Hungary, Köveskál. It exists for the first two weeks of August every year, transforming the Káli-basin into the Lower-Empire, with the city of Sindeon in the middle of it. It is a two week, Lord-of-the-rings story based roleplaying camp for kids. It is very similar to LARP's (Live Action Role Playing games), with a few exceptions: the fight system is stylized; it is only for kids (under 18); and instead of everyone making their own gears, the organizers provide everything. This summer was our 13th year, so its quite an ongoing story.

About the map: on one hand, this is a fantasy map for a fantasy world. However, on the other hand it works as a real map, the places, the distances and the roads exist in real life as well.

In the summer camp, if the kids want to conquer an area, they really have to go there. The Káli-basin is truly beautiful, with great landmarks. Some of the main points are:
- Kőtenger (means Stone Sea): its a geographically interesting location, which shows the old sea floor (Pannon-sea) - now its a stony plateau (just google Kőtenger). In the story, the Pirates of the Stone Sea are often found here; however even they leave the place when the wizards meet here at the dark moon.
- Unikorn csúcs (Peak of Unicorn): on the real life maps this is 'Hegyestű' (means sharp needle). However, one of the kings of Sindeon, Unikorn created a law that it should be called the Peak of Unicorn, so we still call it like that. Its an old basalt vulcan. In the story its the home of the elves.
- Sonorita rom (Ruins of Sonor's temple): the Káli-basin is full with old stone church ruins that are abandoned. We love to use these in the game; Sonor is the god of fire in our storyline.
- Fekete Hegy (Black Mountain): the mountain can only be approached by a scary ravine, however once you are on the top, it reveals a green plateau. This is the home of the dragon Skeedar, and the center of magic.

About making the map: its fully hand drawn on A3 paper, this is just a scanned image. Our camp leader drew it this summer. It was printed on textile in huge size (1 x 2 meters).

gabor kezi terkep_kicsi.jpg

To compare, here is a tourist map about the location, and a google maps link: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid...cd49e198&msa=0


An image showing some photos of the locations we go to:


Thank you for watching this! If you found us interesting, you can find more info about Sindeon here:
Sindeon (Sindeon) on deviantART (in English)
https://www.facebook.com/sindeontabor (Hungarian)
Sindeon (Hungarian)