For almost a year now I have followed WIPs on this forum, watching the inspirational work of truly amazing artists and cartographers, pondering over all the stunning worlds that exist within the border of this forum. Cartography and world building have always been the purest form for me to express creativity, a life-long curiosity and love. From the bottom of my heart I can honestly say, there is simply nothing like it.

A few weeks ago I decided to make a account, but haven't had the time to introduce myself proper. However, having some extra time to spare I figured what better way to introduce myself then with a WIP thread of my own!

In the past I have done a few simple maps, mostly land outlining – some borders and heraldry. Though with this map, I want to broaden my limits and perhaps learn a thing or two by drawing a colored map with mountains, forests, rivers and all the goodies I can conjure! The project will be called, "The Gold Coast", a regional map over a landscape ruled by Greed and Blood, due to the rich mineral founding's within the mountains and rivers near the coast. To kick it of I have drawn a simple draft over the coastlines. Enjoy!