I wasn't sure whether this should go in the finished map section, here, or the member introductions (since it's been so long), so I figured I'd just leave it here.

Hey fellow cartographers, it's been a while. Since there's so many new faces around, I'll start off by reintroducing myself, and give an update on life. I joined in 2009, which was also grade 9 for me, but I've been doing the whole paracosm thing for much longer. I guess map-making sort of influenced my decision to go into graphic design when it came time to pick what I wanted to do in university, and I was fortunate enough to get into the York University/Sheridan College Bachelor of Design program in Toronto (my application portfolio had at least two maps in it).

Currently in second year, and thinking about going into web design/user experience. I am working on a Pathfinder campaign for some friends of mine, so here's what I've got so far. Ideally, I'd like to have it as a website that you can click on to zoom in to the different regions/cities. Done in photoshop and Illustrator. I'm thinking calling this one Aiad. Still more to do though.

World Map






