Hello everyone, I'm Zirojtan/Nate, and I'm new to the forum.

I haven't been posting this week cuz I couldn't figure out how to upload my map to the forum to get some feedback, and I've also been a little preoccupied the past couple of days working on my altitude map for the world that this thread is about.

So without further ado, let's just get straight to the point...

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Eurydice Today Altitudes.png 
Views:	196 
Size:	547.0 KB 
ID:	59887
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Altitude Map Legend.png 
Views:	129 
Size:	13.1 KB 
ID:	59888

This map is a map of Eurydice, which is the conworld that I've been working on for the past couple of years for a book series that I'm writing. I'm a very detail oriented person, and so I've been fussing over this map for the better part of 2 years, and a few months ago decided that I was going to map out the world from 380 million years before the books take place until today. The reason being that although the novels are fantasy novels, it will be very explicitly outlined in them that the animals featured in the world are NOT anything that you'd find on Earth, although they are similar. The story of life on the planet is explained in the Creation Myth though and we can get to that later. The above map is an unfinished altitude map that I've drawn up on Microsoft Paint. It's definitely been a process over the past week to just get THIS far, but I feel that it's definitely worth it as it is already telling me a LOT about the world that I didn't previously know for sure with my limited knowledge of climatology. The image below it is a legend showing you the color scheme.

Before you say it, I know that the colored altitudes cover a very wide array of different altitudes as it varies regularly between 1,000 - 1,500 ft. in difference of color, but sometimes as much as 5,000 ft. in the highest altitudes (the highest point on the world is just over 35,000 ft.). I thought that it would save time this way, but if I have offended the gods of altitude mapping, I apologize.

Anyways, as you can see, I've been working primarily on just the two continents. The white lines that you see on the other continents are possible areas of high elevation according to the tectonic map that I made the other day, which itself is probably going to be adjusted, and so I won't post it just yet.

So now that you've seen a pretty picture, and have a fair idea what's going on with the altitudes of at least one of the continents (mind you, it's definitely not finished), here is the planetary information:

Name of Planets: Eurydice
Distance from Star: 1.6776 AU
Length of Year: 2.001 Earth Years
Number of 24 hr days:
Number of 62 hr days: 282.75 (every four years is a leap year by 3 days)
Radius in km: 6405 km
Axial Tilt: 25
Mass: 6.60385e24 kg (1.1055 E mass)
Volume: 1.1006e12 km (1.01609 Earths)
Density in Grams: 6 g/cm3
Diameter: 12810
Surface Area: 515.9
Roche Limit: 1700
Gravity: 1.09487 Gs
Orbit Velocity: 8.29 km per second
Thrust to Orbit Time at 3G: 7.3
Escape Velocity: 11.7 km per second
Geosynchronous Orbital Distance: 75780 (from surface of planet)
Geosynchronous Orbital Velocity: 2.31 km per second

It is also important to note that Eurydice has no moons, but instead is tidally locked to another planet called Deianira, and so here is Deianira's info:

Name of Planet: Deianira
Distance from Star: 1.6776 AU
Length of Year: same as Eurydice
Number of 24 hr days: same as Eurydice
Number of 62 hr days: same as Eurydice
Radius in km: 6760.26
Axial Tilt: same as Eurydice
Mass: 8.412e24 kg (1.4085 Earth masses)
Volume: 1.294e12 km3 (1.195 Earth volumes)
Density: 6.5
Gravity: 12.282 N/kg (1.252 Gs)
Escape Velocity in km per Second: 12.886 km/s
Geosynchronal Orbital Distance: 89,238 km
Geosynchronal Orbital Velocity: 2.508 km/s
Mean Kelvin Temperature:
Atmosphere Composition:
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.01

Now, I stupidly misplaced the distance between the two planets in one of my documents here, so I'm afraid we'll have to do without that at the moment. Just suffice it to say that they're fairly distance from each other, orbiting a barycenter between the two of them. The star that they both orbit, Radegast, is a class F8 star. Here is ITS info:

Name: Radegast
Spectral Class: F8
Mass: 1.190
Radius: 1.260
Surface Temperature: 6200 K
Luminosity: 1.93
Habitable Zone: 0.9797 AU-2.438 AU

There are a couple of things that I'm really wondering about here.

1. The overall climate of the planet.
2. The climate type of a specific area of the planet in which the story of my book series is going to take place.

As far as the overall climate of the planet is concerned, my friend, who helped me out with obtaining all of those numbers for describing the astronomical information of the planet and those things that immediately affect it in its solar system (the star, obviously, and Deianira) has told me that even though the star that Eurydice is orbiting is brighter, its distance from it would make the planet rather cold unless we were to at least double the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. As I'm going for present day Earth-like temperatures, or something similar, doubling the CO2 content of the atmosphere seems perfectly reasonable to me. However the idea that the planet was in an interglacial period of an ice age just seemed natural to me earlier today when I was making the map before he and I started talking because this is what we are in here on Earth right now, and so I tore up some of the northern coastlines of the continent that I've been working on where I thought glaciation was likely to have occurred. Then it occurred to me to have a discussion with him about whether or not he thought that Eurydice is even likely to be as climatically fragile as Earth due to its differing astronomical and atmospheric conditions.

He said, based on the fact that the planet is farther away from its sun and the increased CO2 content of the atmosphere that it would be likely that the planet is much less climatically fragile, and probably the in a state similar to our own Pliocene, albeit with a stable trend as opposed to a cooling one.

I'm not really a climatologist, but the increased CO2 reducing climatic variability seemed to make sense to me...

So there's that, and then this specific area of the world that the books take place in, so let me upload an image of the planet with that area circled...

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Highlighted Area.png 
Views:	274 
Size:	551.0 KB 
ID:	59889

Ok, so the area circled there in purple is where the books take place. Based on the altitudes already shown and the position of the continents, what are the rough estimates that you guys can give for the general environment of that area?

I really don't mind if the area is dry, but I don't want it to be as dry as Iran. A really dry arctic waste doesn't appeal to me either, as the area is supposed to densely populated. I can do wet, but if too wet, like Seattle/Vancouver area wet I'm not really sure about either. Something like New England would be ok with me.

I also understand it's a large geographic area and that you guys don't have the depth of the sea to work with to determine how ocean currents are going to work, but I'm just looking for a rough estimate now so that I can make any changes I need to before I'm extremely deep into the process of this altitude map.

Anyways, any help that any of you can offer would be fantastic. This is my first time undertaking anything this detailed and it's pretty difficult, to say the least. I hope to hear from you guys soon.