tetI started trying to draw my first town yesterday *(I've only made one map, and it was a world-map, and not very detailed), and I was pretty pleased with my progress.

Then I showed the town map-in-progress to a friend (I'm really excited lol) and she didn't have anything nice to say!

Her main problem is that the town is... well.. round. She said that round(ish) towns aren't realistic.

I've always assumed that's the way a town grows... outward from a central/important location. You want to be close, right?

Now... my map *is* too round... it's just a basic outline, I mostly just stroked some paths for walls/roads, so I could fill in the buildings really, and I need to rough up the edges. But I don't want to make a round-ish town at all if towns aren't (realistically) going to be round.

So does a town grow outwards? inwards? toward other towns? You all seem to be pretty good with details, so I thought I would put it out there before I mess anything up....

So I'll do what I should have done instead of showing a random friend... I'll show people who know something about maps :p

round town.png

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
