Hey there guys!

Been a long time since I posted something that is not related to the Challenges. So after getting lots of 2nd places decided to start something fresh. My first city map was Blight Cave Port (Blightcave Port by felipecarbus on deviantART), as for a first try I mapping a city, I dont think it was that bad, but many things about that map made me frustated. And I decided to take another shot at mapping a city and stuff.

I was inspired by Djekspek and -Max- maps, so if they ressemble any of those, my fault, Im still trying to find my style, and I really hate copying someone´s else style and stuff. So my first WIP of Dallor, and since I suck at writing story and stuff, it won´t have any really intersting story or background, Im just messing with my skills to see if I find my STYLE, and it´s been a long battle.
