Quote Originally Posted by Raptori View Post
stuff like G.Projector and Google Earth work with the map scaled to a 2:1 ratio. That might help make it easier to balance the continents too
Is that something I could do/use on an ipad? I'm using a sketching program to work on it right now. Hopefully I can get my laptop limping along enough to run GIMP soon.

2:1... Am I right in guessing that's width to height? 2 pixels/inches/whatever in width for every one in height? (That's probably something that should be basic knowledge, I'm sure, but I'm the sort of person to whom anything remotely useful is endlessly baffling. How I survive the world without a keeper is a wonder in itself.)

I would like to map it to a globe eventually, I'm a visual person and seeing things in a more realistic format is useful to me. I'm definitely all for it if it will help with my continent placement.