Before I begin the inquiry in earnest, allow me to express how fascinating I have found this website. The variety of members and artwork is simply beautiful, and I am extremely excited to learn more and view more.

I've done maps in the past--generally quickly thrown together for fun or for a few roleplaying adventures--but have never begun a project hoping to create a world map with realistic geography, and I am wondering if there is a best way to go about creating this. Is there a Determined Order for realistic cartography?

I've currently got 15000 x 10000 pixels of raw coastline to work with. Here it is, smaller and with sort of distasteful salmon-orangey-grey oceans:

Tarxus World Map 2.jpg

(The scale is far too small to read and can be found in the bottom left corner. The scale reads up to 1000 km)

What is the next step? Should I begin charting out tectonic plates so I can lay out mountain ranges, fault lines, and rough elevations? Or should I start with elevation and work towards plate tectonics? Should I just do a rough, unrealistic sketch of what I want where, to perfect and realize later?

Thanks for your help!