Hey all! I figured it may be a good idea to star a fresh thread rather than revive an old one (originally started here: http://www.cartographersguild.com/re...1-valgard.html ) It's been many months since I have updated, and there has been a lot of stuff going on personally that have trumped map making. I've been lurking here, but haven't felt much up to posting until recently. Anyhoo, Valgard has been evolving, and taken on a lot more depth internally (story wise and character wise) As such, I wanted to reflect that with an updated version. Without further ado:


The continents, etc have more or less the same positioning, but have different shapes which reflect more of what the story or the world tells. Westward, you'll see a large part of that continent taken over by "The Veil". This area serves to create a rigid definition between the east and west parts of the landmass that I wanted, but didn't really have originally. That isn't the only reason it's there, and serves a purpose story wise that I can elaborate more on later. Indeed, you'll see a lot of shifts that have happened that are mainly for story reasons. Right now, however, I am mostly interested in comments and questions, and any input any of you may have. I would really like to add topography, but as you can see from the old thread I am a bit wishy washy on how to represent it. Thanks!