Years ago I had big plans for a world to roleplay/gm in. Then real life came... Now I'm finally back on track and trying to get stuff rolling. I've been doing a handful of sketches, but then ended up using a fractal map I had generated with the FT Demo. I started working on it and ended up with something like this:


But reading my way through the forums here, I was quite intimidated, but also felt I should put more effort in this, so I made a wholly new map in PS:
rpg-razestan-all-separate.jpg and rpg-razestan-all-relief.png.

Please, bear in mind that this is no projection, but a plain, not to mention impossible, equidistant, equal area depiction of all my major landmasses, with their appoximate relative locations. I will later on project them on a proper globe.
I labeled the map with idea seeds, so the names are not even close to final.

Right now, I am working on the structure of the landmasses separately, like so:

Rāzestan is set to be slightly larger than Earth, say c. 50000km circumference, but share most physyical attributes.

I would really appreciate any ideas and feedback,

PS: Rāz (راز) is Farsi/Persian for Secret, in case you wondered.
PPS: Cheesiness galore, especially with the center islands, eh?