SO this is a map that i made for a warhammer 40k game that i was a player in. we had a rouge trader dynasty and had claimed a planet as our own, and soo spent a bunch of cash building the uber planetary mansion/base of operations. I made this map in Photoshop, using mapping elements form and dunjinnis's forums. used alot of textures and stuff as well, i think i spent like 100+ hours making this map lol.

and we used it once.

but lah, such is life

it has two stories, and then 2 underground stories, the power and command structures are underground, and it is defended by automated turrets and an on base guard contingent.

It would bring me great joy for someone else to get a use out of this map lol.

First Floor Final.jpg2nd FLoor Final.jpgBasement 1 Final.jpgBasement 2 Final.jpg