Blimey, you must have pushed the send button at exactly the same time - I saw my post appear behind yours when it appeared. Thats a first for me !

Thats interesting about the Silphium and I never heard of it. It makes me so mad when people selfishly take last remaining specimens of stuff. And when they take it so they can drape fur or get some tiger bone for an aphrodisiac etc well I could just shoot them. That Silphium could be mans last cure for something serious and its gone. I guess its been happening all the time even by animals etc but we ought to be above that level.

Anyway, blood pressure down... calm...

I put the two sets of stairs in and made the balustrades. Much easier done digitally with a nice clone tool I think I put a bit of effort into this bit because I'd like to make some nice torch lit scenes later on and the balcony should provide some great views.

This is being done is lightwave but its an old copy as I can't afford to keep upgrading all the time. So I have already run out of its model point limit at a mere 64K. Hah, who thought that 64K would be enough in a model - thats crazy thinking. I really should move over to Blender but I can play this instrument and its such a chore to learn a new one. This one has faults but I know where most of them are now and work around them. You will see some more bugs from it later - sigh. And its very slow - like cup of tea per render slow but I still like it as an app. One thing is that it does not crash often and I know what does make it crash so I don't do those things with it and then its alright.