Quote Originally Posted by Chashio View Post
This is going to be one of my favorite maps of the year. I'll probably just be quiet and watch what you do from here out, but I wanted to mention that your A mountains, while large compared with the others, had wonderful coloration and detail choice for snow and glaciers. I like the rest of the coloration as well, overall, but that stood out as particularly nice... and I miss it. Look forward to seeing this progress.
Thanks Chashio, I like the big mountain too. Originally it started off more or less like the rest and I started playing around with the highlights of the snow and suddenly it grew as I expiremented. Sadly its just way to big, one of the glaciers alone would be around a good 100km in length and based off the surroundign mountains and continent size that mountain would have to be much heigher than the 8000 m of Everest. Heck it could even rival Olympus Mons of mars...maybe I dont' 21000 m might be hard to beat.

Quote Originally Posted by lesopeso View Post
i quote this! beautiful work indeed, but i also liked a lot the big mountain!
Thanks Lesopeso. I just hope I can get this finished sometimge in the next 5 yrs. It is slow going mostly putting hours just doing a single mountain range, though I've noticed I'm starting to get much quicker, actually a lot faster....I think.

Ok update.


I couldn't do mountains anymore so I switched and did a little of the sea floor to see how it looks.
I'm having a lot of trouble keeping the mountains consistant in shape and color while at the same time trying to show changes in climate and other details.

Any thougts? something look odd or could be done better. I'm looking for any advice right now it's hard to pick out problems and things I missed, it's all starting to look the same.