I am looking to commission a world map for a fantasy setting I am mulling over. A few details:

Style: I very much enjoy the shape of the continent of "Seanchan" represented in Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. A link to this map is here: http://i.stack.imgur.com/s4hrp.png As much as I do like the features of this map, I have a few particular geographic features I would like to see incorporated in my map that may limit options (e.g., a feature resembling the Bosphorus separating two continents). I believe as a starting point I would like to assemble geographic features, etc... and eventually work with the cartographer to devise a political map overlay including location of major cities.

Quality: I would like the map to be semi-professional or better. Vector and printable on letter or legal paper would be a plus.

Time Constraints: I am patient, though I would like to work with a cartographer that reasonably believes he or she has time to work on my project. Perhaps a draft within a week or two of initial exchange of e-mails?

Copyright: I would never deny someone their portfolio, but I would like copyright in the map and the right to exploit the map commercially. That said, the map will be attributed to its creator and he or she will retain license to use it for portfolio or other non-commercial purposes.

Payment: Negotiable. I expect to separate payment for the geographical map from political overlay, etc... My preferred method to make payment is Paypal if at all possible.

Contact: I can be contacted at marrett1981@yahoo.com.