I've been getting back into map-making recently and I figured where better to start than the Cartographer's Guild!

Working with GIMP, I've been getting serious lag time issues when working with large canvas sizes.

For example, I set my canvas size to 80 x 60 inches (in pixels 7680 x 5760) for a castle project I'm beginning.

However, when I try to move, rotate, or resize anything, I end up waiting 10-20 seconds for each change I make. White lines scan across the image one at a time painstakingly slowly until it appears in the new position. Not good. This much lag practically makes it unworkable for me.

Any idea what might be causing this? And if there's a workaround?

I did some digging and found out that GIMP relies on something called "libcairo", the latest version of which MAY be causing this sort of lag. Though more of the "libcairo" complaints seem to revolve around cursor lag, which I'm not experiencing. As best I can tell "libcairo" is a resource library API that provides operations including stroking and filling cubic Bézier splines, transforming and compositing translucent images, and antialiased text rendering. (http://cairographics.org/ )