Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Ohhh, Ahhh etc - yeah these are real cool. I like the wip tag earlier to . Next time I run the script you should have that sarcophagi image as the thumbnail.

I think that for your style of rough cave then stalagmites and stalactites would be good and when they link up you get a pillar or a column so maybe some thinner round craggy type columns would be the natural type. The way you have done the rock pillars is great - a kind of small black cross section with rough splay where it joins the floor.

Cave pools are often good too tho slightly harder to make. Bit of the ole alpha blended water tokens. Boulders and rubble tokens can allow you to modify the basic tiles too, or even block off sections etc.

These kind of generic cave type tokens allow you to adapt a basic tile into many varieties.

Another thing that could be fun is light sources - not the light itself. So torches and sconces and stuff like that. The fire you did was exceptional already. I think with a full fire you did right to have it as a fixed part of the base tile as that means you can add all the glow and highlights in from its considerable light emission.

Really loving these tiles. Way to go !!!
Thanks for the input... but anything you mentioned that involves tokens then im lost since I don't know what tokens are.

I can add the light source, but how is the light added? Also, this isn't a cave per se, its more of a unfinished dilapidated old dungeon or underground lair. If it were a cave it wouldn't have a stone floor.