Ardenvale is a sleepy little town nestled against the River Arden, in a little pocket valley of Andelar. A deceptively sleepy little town, for the evil and sickness affecting the continent of Andelar is being felt even here, though the affects are subtle...seen only in the occasional raid of mutated creatures, and the tense, timid attitudes of the townsfolk.

This map is barely begun, but I thought I would post it at its creation, and let everyone see how this town is built. I'm using cc3+ to create this map, and I'm utilizing a 3D 'style' introduced by a wonderful profantasy mapper named Shessar. She has been kind enough to write up tutorials on how to create her fantastic 3D effects, on the profantasy site, and I've been granted permission to link back to that thread, for any cc3+ users that wish to learn the process!

This map right now, only shows the beginning of what will be the River Arden, but I hope you will stay with me and watch this town unfold!


I hope you enjoy the process...