No rush on this as it isn't something I would need right away, however, you might want to consider posting it over at the RPTools forums where they will likely drool all over themselves and worship you like a god. Well maybe not that last part.
I like the worshipping part ... but don't want those people to drool on me

Absolutely. Also make sure that the overall map scale is posted somewhere in the form of # pixels = # feet/meters/yards/whatever
Sure, will do that.

Not a problem, I'm sure PhotoShop's selection tools can remedy that just fine on my end.
OK. I could give it a try as well and learn a thing or two in the process.

Those are excellent!! They could easily be used for an Exalted game as well. Thank you for that link. You should definitely post that over at RPTools, or I'll do it for you if you don't want to.
I can post that link in conjunction with the map. I'll also add the link to the FUM online store containing the Qin symbol set. In that manner, readers will get information on all available resources (character tokens, symbols of furniture/items and a map) in a single threat. Does that sound like a good plan?

MapTool seems to be an excellent piece of software. I have tested it once with the above map. And of course, I like that $0.00 price tag