Well just to highlight how incredibly lazy I am, this is how long it took for me to post an update on this. Actually, I just decided to take the long way around and draw each tree. I did think ahead and actually made some ridiculously high resolution seamless deciduous and conifer tree textures that I can reuse at a later date. I created them with no shading so if I want to use them for colored work later I could, but since this is more of a traditional pen and ink look, after I dropped them in I did some detailing to add some texture and depth.

It took awhile. I watched a LOT of Bob Ross videos and listened to Rush "The Trees" to keep me motivated. The deciduous were easier to do than the conifers. I should have done a complete under drawing to define all the overlapping shapes and try to minimize tangents, but my laziness got the better of me, and it ended up taking me WAY more time because of it. I drew one base shape, inked it, moved the base shape, inked it, did this three or more times, then when back and erased all the overlap...... I did "cheat" and ended up copy and pasting for both patterns, but I then went back in and edited them so everything (hopefully) wouldn't look exactly the same.

I also canned the circus tent city symbols and went with more LOTR style symbols, or at least, my version of LOTR style city symbols.

I've got a bunch more to do. Thank you for looking!

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Anthony's World Map-CH010-A.jpg

Anthony's World Map-CH010-B.jpg

Anthony's World Map-CH010-C.jpg