pencil on 11x17 charcoal paper, then colored in PS

In this map, the original members of the early Guild of Quills return to Midgeon Manor, in the valley of Margrew, to meet and share the stories they have collected over the last year.
The early members of Quills are an eclectic crew. Bibbage and Faffel, Torgen, Magebbene, Portho, Rakes, Shabine and her aunt Shadrine.
At the moment, they are in the service of Bobik Sval of Ober-Swale in Kish. Sval is the Lord of Yensh.

Each year, the guild returns to share the knowledge and experiences they've gained and to edit the collections that will be sent on to Sval. Often, Faffel hosts the Guild at his family home, Midgeon Manor. All of this occurs in Algarn, or Enil-Al-Garn as it is known there, which lies northeast of Haldeshar on the major continental landmass of the world of Nhyn.

Obviously, this ties in to Haldeshar and also to Skenara and even Trolnarm. But that is for another time.

Road to Midgeon by sirinkman2.jpg