Yeah, I thought about that, but sometimes my ideas are waaaay out there, and despite being "good" aren't always popular when it comes time to vote. Halloween's my favorite holiday, and I think everyone would be interested in attempting something on the dark side, for the sake of it.

The question a potential entrant might ask themselves, "How can I induce horror in a map?" - the answer is by being creative, plus a horror map is open to lots of styles and genres. Horror works great in B/W, so old school maps could rock, by odd monochromes in greens, reds or blues can also induce horror. Blood and bruise colors is another way to go. Color is just one aspect in creating a feeling of horror.

Alien, the original movie was more horror than Sci-Fi, so horror can easily be adapted into a sci-fi map, fantasy anywhere on the timeline, old west, pirate, anything. Any geography can lend itself well to horror as well.

The secret is how to weave a map using the elements to induce horror. I think it would be fun!