Quote Originally Posted by Gandwarf View Post
David Eddings used to be my favorite author. I read all his books between ages 10 - 16. His style is really simple and he can spin a tale, like you said. I loved it.

Now I am more grown up and unfortunately think the books are a bit "childish". Also I realise the Belgariad and Mallorean contain a lot of the same. Especially the characters. But it was a *lot* of fun to read back in the day.
I'm the same. I got in to Eddings' writing before he owned up to collaborating with his wife. I still enjoy the Belgariad, and the books about Belgarath and Polgara, but the others are basically the same. The Mallorean rehashed the Belgariad story and the Elenium/Tamuli characters used the all same archetypes. I'm afraid Eddings draws too heavily on the "stock" story and character types.

I've grown quite fond of Janny Wurts' writing, her characters have depth and motivations. I think her Mistwraith and Wars of Light and Shadow series beats the Belgariad/Mallorean hands down.