Here's another one from a set of maps I created for a client back in 2017 for a campaign loosely called Deliverance for the Skybourne setting.
The publication date was not certain, so I was told I could post them now rather than wait.
I will update with links when/if the game module goes to print. As of now, I have no link for the product.

The environment had a lot of airship travel and large desert regions.
I posted the Airship Merlin last week in this thread.
This is one of the airship port towns in the game, the port of Haalthran.
It is set into a mesa, with most of the town at the mesa's base and the airship port on top.
The client didn't have me add labels so these are just some I added for a more finished look.

Look for more from this series, Deliverance, in the next weeks.
If you enjoy my work and want to support it, check out my patreon -
I have to say, advertising for your self isn't fun. Well, for me it isn't.
Makes me uncomfortable slinging my links everywhere.
Anyways, I am getting closer to done with a really big set of maps I was commissioned to do.
Not sure when I will be able to post those, but once done I can get back to some more Guild activity.
Maybe even get into and finish my second city section.
Cheers, J

Port of Haalthran by jstevensonIG.jpg